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Content description VCITC078

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Contribute ideas, opinions and suggestions in interactions related to shared tasks and problem-solving, managing diverse views
  1. contributing suggestions about purposes, processes and roles in collaborative planning such as creating an itinerary for a visiting Italian student, for example, Come? Vorresti vedere …? Che ne dici di …? Cosa ne pensi di …? Vogliamo …? Ti piacerebbe ...?
  2. planning and making decisions with others (for example, about an event or visit), expressing preferences and asking questions to clarify intentions, for example, Bisogna/propongo di fare così Prima andiamo a …, poi ci fermiamo a … Torneremo a casa entro le nove. Cosa pensi se …? Sei d’accordo? Va bene?
  3. participating in scenarios such as visiting friends or going on an outing to the city, including negotiating options and stating wants and needs (for example, Se viene …, vengo anch’ io. Secondo te, sarebbe meglio se …?); inviting peers to attend a celebration or party, and expressing agreement, disagreement, disappointment or enthusiasm when accepting and declining offers, requests and invitations, for example, Che bello! Non partire senza salutarmi … Non credere a queste cose. Conviene prendere l’autobus. T’interessa venire ...? Sei libero ...? Non mi va. Che delusione!
  4. making shared decisions, solving problems and discussing alternative solutions
  5. contributing suggestions in the context of undertaking a social project such as visiting a childcare centre or the local Italian aged-care home
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