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Content description VCITC081

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Analyse, synthesise and evaluate ideas and information from multiple sources on a range of contemporary issues
  1. listening to, viewing and reading authentic texts and asking critical literacy questions such as Chi è l’autore?; Di cosa si tratta?; Per chi è stato scritto?; Qual è il tema?; Da quale/i punto/i di vista è presentato? Qual è lo scopo?
  2. gathering information on an issue from different sources and reporting on it to others, using tools such as tables, graphic organisers and charts, and discussing whether the information is similar or different in different sources and why
  3. extracting details and main ideas, making judgments about their relevance and discussing contrasting points of view, for example, selecting the main events from an article, identifying core data from interviews, identifying gist and main point/s of a spoken interaction, or analysing different interpretations of meaning in a conversation
  4. summarising the message or argument of a text such as an advertisement, poster or article, and using evidence from the text to consider how claims are supported
  5. comparing different perspectives on the same event or on a topical issue such as i rapporti intergenerazionali, l’ambiente, le scelte alimentari, il consumo del grano transgenico, i rapporti genitori-figli
  6. using dictionaries effectively and accessing reference materials such as word lists and grammar references in print and online resources to assist and refine understanding of content
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