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Content description VCITC082

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Give information in different forms, offering own views in relation to the content and considering the significance for particular audiences
  1. using models of media texts such as television reports, video clips and social media to create informative texts in spoken and written form, to achieve different purposes, for example, to persuade, to entertain or to inspire, such as a weather report, a sports report, a magazine article about an issue or event, or a travel brochure promoting a local region or product, for example, Il tempo previsto per domani è L’aspetto più interessante da capire è … Venite in Liguria! Vi aspettiamo! Cosa aspettate? Insomma gli immigrati possono essere una grande risorsa. Le olive siciliane sono le più gustose.
  2. designing texts such as an advertisement or magazine cover for a particular audience, making choices about images, cultural references, music and colour, and explaining reasons for choices
  3. conveying ideas drawn from different areas of learning (such as health and nutrition, design, or biological science) to inform others, for example, Venite! Ascoltate e provate …! Usalo/a due volte al giorno e non te ne pentirai!
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