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Content description VCITC083

Italian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Read, discuss and review a range of imaginative texts and respond by expressing opinions, explaining the themes, discussing characters, and considering language use and cultural meanings
  1. analysing and discussing emotional impact of text features such as use of hyperbole and metaphors to express emotions and convey attitudes, for example, Mi piace da matti/da morire! ... È una vita che aspetto! Sei una volpe! ... La Divinia Commedia è lo specchio della società medievale italiana
  2. investigating the social context in which a text was created and how these factors influenced the ideas and expression of the text, for example, considering the author’s background, prior or related events and figures of importance, for example, Mi piace da morire!
  3. interpreting the use of images, sounds, gesture and language choices to convey cultural concepts and ideals in Italian texts, for example, the didactic nature of Italian pop songs, the neorealism of Italian film, social issues captured in graffiti
  4. listening to, viewing or reading traditional and contemporary texts such as stories, fables, films and songs to understand how moral values and characteristics are portrayed, such as being respectful, caring, clever and honest
  5. expressing thoughts and ideas about how texts convey implicit and explicit values and beliefs which are associated with Italian culture across generations, for example, viewing and discussing excerpts from La vita è bella, Pane e tulipani, Pane e cioccolato or America, or discussing the historical setting of the film Caterina va in città and the main character's attitude to life
  6. reading contemporary texts such as poetry or song lyrics to explore and discuss aspects of Italian society and culture that are addressed, for example, current social themes such as youth, unemployment, immigration to Italy, asylum seekers, education, university
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