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Content description VCITU113

Italian: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Analyse and understand the place of Italian locally and internationally, including the relationship between Standard Italian and regional dialects, and Italian in the ecology of languages in Australia
  1. understanding that differences exist between Standard Italian, regional varieties and dialects, for example, by noticing lexical differences and comparing gestures and accents
  2. recognising that Standard Italian is used in diverse communities throughout the world and that many speakers of Italian may also speak a regional and/or local dialect
  3. examining the presence of Italian in the Australian linguistic landscape, for example, through signage, the culture of coffee, food, art and music, and in newspapers, television and radio, and the interpreter service
  4. exploring the changing profile of languages in Australia by, for example, comparing maps of languages over time, developing a class language tree, examining the Australian Languages map, conducting a survey about languages spoken at home or in the community, or examining census data
  5. presenting connections between languages and dialects
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