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Content description VCITU131

Italian: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Analyse and understand the dynamic nature of Italian (and languages in general) recognising the impact of technology, media and intercultural contact
  1. developing awareness of the Latin origins of the Italian language and other Indo-European languages, how Italian has developed as a language, and the use of dialects
  2. researching the use of dialects within the context of Italian-speaking communities (for example, by developing a portfolio of examples, gathered through interviews, blogs, community radio and events), considering the use of dialect and/or Standard Italian, and reflecting on the findings
  3. observing changes over time in levels of formality, particularly in spoken Italian such as forms of address, for example, tu/Lei compared to voi/Loro
  4. exploring, expanding and consolidating word usage using online applications relating to proverbs, sayings and set phrases
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