Interact with peers and the teacher to socialise and to exchange information about self, personal worlds and immediate environment, and to express feelings, likes and dislikes, using appropriate gestures
exchanging greetings depending on the time of day, for example, おはよう ございます。こんにちは。, using appropriate titles and terms of address, such as ~先生 or Simon さん、 and gestures such as bowing to show respect
giving and receiving items using culturally appropriate gestures and language, for example, どうぞ。どうも ありがとう。
exchanging personal details with Japanese-speaking peers via online or virtual forums, for example, providing name, age, school, and language(s) spoken at home
introducing themselves (じこしょうかい) using culturally appropriate formulaic expressions and gestures, はじめまして 、どうぞ よろしく。、 with bowing and appropriate eye contact
describing aspects of their personal worlds, for example, friends, family, pets, teachers, school and interests, using expressions such as noun は adjective です。わたしの ともだちは おもしろい です。
exchanging information about daily or leisure activities or events via face-to-face or online modes of communication such as blogs or virtual conversations, and comparing experiences with those of Japanese-speaking peers, using cohesive devices such as conjunctions when sequencing or elaborating, for example, 日よう日に えいがに行きます。それから、かいものを します。 or すしが好き です。でも、さしみが 好きじゃない です。
expressing likes and dislikes, for example, スポーツが 好き です。しゅくだいは ちょっと…。
using formulaic language to express feelings, for example, おなかが ぺこぺこ です。つかれました 。さむい です。どきどき します。