Engage in transactions and collaborative activities that involve planning and making arrangements, such as obtaining goods and organising performances
working together to create displays, presentations or performances to showcase their Japanese learning for family, friends or school community
following instructions, for example, following a recipe to make やきそば, おこのみやき、まきずし or making origami
making arrangements using language related to place, time and activity, for example, 火よう日に テニスを しますか。火よう日は ちょっと…。
participating in scenarios that involve ordering and purchasing goods such as food and drink, for example, すしを ください。おちゃ、おねがいします。いくらですか。
participating in class activities such as word, board or electronic games, using set phrases in Japanese such as わたしの ばん、みぎ、ひだ、かった!、まけた、ざんねん、だめだった、だいじょうぶ?、がんばって!、 つぎは だれ?、いち、に、さん!