Reflect on the experience of learning and using Japanese in different contexts, commenting on similarities to and differences from their own usual language use and behaviour
adopting Japanese ways of communicating that reflect cultural values and practices such as the expression of respect or familiarity, for example, 母、ママ and お母さん、~さん and ~せんせい
describing and demonstrating differences in ways of showing consideration for others in Japanese, for example, using particular terms of address, register and body language in greetings, such asおはよう。 versus おはようございます。、 or forms of respect or apology when entering a classroom しつれいします。、 at mealtimes いただきます。or when interrupting someoneすみません。
reflecting on aspects of the experience of using Japanese that highlight intercultural differences relating to social and communicative behaviours, for example, the use of personal space and body language, and ways of accepting or refusing an offer
observing live or recorded interactions in different Japanese-language contexts, identifying aspects that they find confusing or surprising, for example, gestures (おじぎ), levels of politeness, ways of requesting, thanking or greeting, or the exchange of business cards, and comparing to own cultural forms of expression and social interaction
developing language for expressing personal reactions to and feelings about intercultural experience, for example, いいですね。 あれ? へえ すごい!びっくりした!すみません。
noticing that a focus on ‘self’ is avoided in Japanese by the minimal use of the pronoun ‘I’ in interactions