Create and present imaginative texts for a range of audiences that use familiar expressions and modelled language and allow for exploration and enjoyment of language, cultural expression and performance
creating imaginary characters, places or animals, and presenting them through performance, digital display or visual representation, for example, みみ が 大きい です。かわ に います。food/ object を たべます。とても こわい です。おばけやしき です。たくさん おばけ が います。目 が 大きい です。あし が ありません。
incorporating onomatopoeic sounds such as どきどき、ぺこぺこ、ぴかぴか、にこにこ into written/performed texts to enrich the texts and to entertain others
taking on the role of a character from a story, manga or anime, and responding to questions such as すきな たべもの は なん です か。 noun が すき です か。なんさい です か。
creating, performing and presenting imaginative texts such as skits, songs and raps