Interact with peers and the teacher to describe aspects of daily life such as routines and pastimes, or celebrations and special days; to express preferences; and to show interest in and respect for others
communicating with peers and other Japanese speakers in local or online communities or digital forums, using strategies such as active listening skills, turn-taking cues, requests for clarification, and respectful language for agreeing or disagreeing, for example, へー、そうですね、すみません、もういちど おねがいします、ちょっと…
showing interest in, respect and concern for others by asking questions such as だいじょうぶ です か。
exchanging simple correspondence such as greeting cards in print or digital form based on modelled language such as おたんじょうび おめでとう(ございます)。あけまして おめでとう ございます。おかあさん、ありがとう。~へ~より
using formulaic language to exchange emails with young Japanese speakers to provide personal information such as ~さんへ、~より、じゃあ また, their names, likes and dislikes, family members or leisure activities
exchanging information with one another or with other Japanese-speaking students about school or home routines, leisure activities, interests or preferences, popular culture or sport, for example, サッカー を します か。いつ します か。土よう日 に サッカー を します。サッカー が すき です か。ぼく も すき です。
recounting experiences with own family and friends, for example, 土よう日 に ともだち と うみ に いきました。たん生日 に ケーキ を たべました。
exchanging gifts using appropriate body language/gestures, such as giving and receiving with two hands and using expressions such as すみません。どうぞ 。どうも ありがとう ございます。