Collaborate with peers to plan and conduct shared events or activities such as teaching and working with a buddy class, organising a shared event, or rehearsing and presenting a school performance
planning and organising activities such as a class event, visit or performance, using language related to place, people, time and numbers and creating promotional materials, for example, たいこ の えんそう、木よう日、十一時、たいいくかん
creating a skit, performance or action game to introduce a buddy class to aspects of Japanese language and culture, for example, introducing hiragana, individual words or expressions, or behaviours such as bowing appropriately or receiving a gift
participating in simulated transactions such as purchasing goods or ordering food, using appropriate gestures, formulaic expressions and relevant question–answer exchanges such as いらっしゃいませ。これ を ください 。いくら です か 。3000 円 です。はい、どうぞ。
becoming familiar with the value of Japanese yen by carrying out real or simulated transactions and exchanges
budgeting for virtual shopping expeditions, for example, by consulting online catalogues and menus, comparing prices and values, and discussing intended purchases, using formulaic expressions such as ちょっと 高い です。でも、おいしそう です。