Participate in everyday classroom activities and routines such as asking how to say or write something, asking for help or repetition, praising or complimenting one another, thanking, apologising and expressing preferences
taking on different roles and responsibilities in the classroom (当番), such as taking the roll, identifying the day of the week, describing the weather or acting as monitor, for example, 本 を ください。ノート を ください。(どうも) ありがとう。
doing 日直, taking turns to lead the class in routines such as opening and closing lessons, for example, きり,つ れい、ちゃくせき, using appropriate gestures
indicating that something is either correct or incorrect using はい (>そうです) 。 ちがいます。
using appropriate language, actions and gestures to participate in interactions such as interrupting or asking for clarification, for example, 先生、すみません。 ちょっと わかりません。 ゆっくり (おねがいします) 。