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Content description VCJAC184

Japanese: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Analyse ideas presented in a range of texts, identifying context, purpose and intended audience
  1. identifying underlying values, cultural references and the purpose and intended audience of different types of community texts such as advertisements or posters
  2. summarising the gist and some specific details of media texts such as documentary features or community notices
  3. comparing and evaluating perspectives and intentions reflected in texts such as public information notices or street signs in Japanese and Australian contexts, identifying words, expressions or images that suggest cultural similarities or differences
  4. scanning websites of Japanese schools or clubs, discussing and comparing choices they would make in relation to offered activities if they were students in that context
  5. identifying culture-specific terms and representations in Japanese promotional materials such as travel brochures, symbols on maps, magazine features or online resources, for example, 小学校(しょうがっこう)新聞(しんぶん)
  6. planning a real or imagined trip to a selected region of Japan, using resources such as internet sites and travel brochures to map out elements such as transport, itineraries and selected events, for example, しんかんせんにのりたいですね。 広島(ひろしま)に行きましょうか。
  7. analysing key perspectives or themes reflected in interview data collected from Japanese speakers discussing roles and responsibilities in home, school and community contexts, and comparing with their own views on the topics
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