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Content description VCJAU014

Japanese: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Develop understanding of the systematic nature of grammatical structures and features of Japanese used to perform particular functions, such as describing people, objects and places, and indicating quantity
  1. developing metalanguage for communicating about language, using terms such as ‘noun’, ‘pronoun’, ‘verb’, ‘adjective’ and ‘conjunction’, and cross-referencing with knowledge of English-language syntax and parts of speech
  2. understanding the rule that Japanese sentences end with a predicate and that there are three types of predicates, noun plus copula, adjective plus copula, and verb:
    • subject noun です。
    • subject adjective です。
    • subject  object verb ます。
  3. understanding that pronouns are used far less frequently in Japanese than in English
  4. understanding and using a range of particles to perform different functions, for example:
    • (subject, topic marker)
    • (subject, topic marker: ~が()きです、 ~がいます/あります)
    • (object)
    • (time, destination)
    • (direction)
    • (transport)
    • (possession)
    • (and, with)
    • (also)
  5. understanding the role of sentence-ending particles such as and
  6. understanding that the word order of noun phrases is not important as long as they appear before the verb and are accompanied by correct particles
  7. understanding how to use and adjectives in the present tense in basic sentences such as たのしい、 たのしくない、 ゆうめいな、 ゆうめいじゃない
  8. understanding the rules of verb conjugation, for example, ~ます、 ~ましょう、 ~ました、 ~ません、 ~ませんでした
  9. understanding different question words such as (なに), どこ、 (なん)よう()、 どんな、 いつ、 いくら、 だれ
  10. describing locations of homes, people and things using basic structures such as noun  place に あります。 noun  place に います。
  11. using a range of verbs related to daily activities, for example, ()きます、 ()ます、 たべます、 かきます、 よみます、 ききます、 はなします、 します
  12. understanding and responding to formulaic expressions that use form, such as ()て ください。 トイレに ()っても いい ですか 。
  13. creating cohesion and flow using conjunctions, for example, そして、 それから、 でも
  14. knowing how to count (いち)(せん)
  15. using common counters and classifiers such as ~人、 ~さい、 ~がつ、 ~()
  16. understanding the use of こそあどseries in concrete contexts, for example, これ、 それ、 あれ、 どれ
  17. using basic time expressions such as days of the week and months, for example, まい(にち)、 ときどき
  18. building vocabulary that relates to familiar environments such as the classroom, family and personal world and that can be used for cross-curricular content learning
  19. understanding the use of the prefixes and before some words to indicate respect, for example,
  20. understanding that the words for family members are different for one’s own family and for other people’s families, for example, (かあ)さん、(はは)
  21. identifying similarities and differences in Japanese and English grammatical rules relating to word order or the use of elements such as pronouns
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