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Content description VCJAU140

Japanese: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Understand and identify elements of basic grammar and sentence structure and interaction patterns
  1. developing metalanguage for communicating about language, using concepts such as parts of speech, for example, ‘noun’, ‘verb’ and ‘adjective’
  2. understanding the rules of Japanese word order (subject + object + verb), the use of associated particles は、を、と、も、に, and the use of in formulaic expressions, for example, noun が すき です。
  3. describing actions using verb ます form, for example, すし を たべます。
  4. understanding the rules for conjugating verbs, such as ~ます、~>ましょう、~ました、~ません
  5. understanding that Japanese uses name + suffix instead of pronouns when referring to other people, for example, Johnくん、はなさん、Grant せんせい
  6. indicating time and frequency using expressions such as まいにち、ときどき
  7. describing people, animals, places and things using adjective–noun phrases, for example, 大きい 目、おいしい もも
  8. understanding time words associated with days of the week, months of the year and seasons
  9. building vocabulary that relates to familiar environments in daily life and personal worlds and that can be used for cross-curricular content learning
  10. beginning to use counters in Japanese, for example, ~人、~さい、~月
  11. telling time using ~じ/ ~じはん です。なんじ です か。
  12. seeking information using question words such as なに、なん、いつ、どこ and だれ and the sentence-ending particle , for example, なに が すき です  か。なんさい です  か。なんにん です  か。いつ です か。
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