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Content description VCJAU144

Japanese: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Understanding / Role of language and culture
Content description
Understand that the ways people use language reflect where and how they live and what is important to them
  1. understanding that language carries information about the people who use it and that common expressions often reflect cultural values, for example, the importance of respect for older people is reflected in terms of address in Japanese
  2. exploring additional elements of ‘culture’, such as what is valued in different communities, contexts and environments, or different approaches to teaching and learning in school, understanding formulaic expressions that reflect cultural values, for example, いってきます、 いってらっしゃい、きをつけて
  3. noticing how politeness and respect are conveyed in Japanese language and behaviour, such as how body language and gestures can replace language, for example, bowing as an apology or as a request to be excused
  4. learning to discuss culture and language by responding to prompt questions such as ‘What do you notice?’ ‘Why do you think that …?’ ‘How is this similar / different …?’
  5. identifying terms, expressions and ways of communicating associated with Australian contexts that might need explaining to Japanese children, for example, using first names when addressing adults, colloquial expressions such as ‘no worries’ or ‘footy’, and terms associated with Indigenous cultures, such as ‘the Dreaming’
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