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Content description VCJAU159

Japanese: F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Recognise the use of formulaic expressions and textual features in familiar texts such as emails, letters, postcards or telephone conversations
  1. recognising the order for writing the components of the date in Japanese, for example, (ねん)、月、日、よう日
  2. understanding the significance of features of different types of texts, such as opening and closing emails, letters or phone conversations, for example, ~さんへ、~より、もしもし
  3. considering how the composition of texts in different languages reflects cultural values, such as the ordering of information on Japanese ID cards or when kanji or Arabic numerals are used in Japanese texts
  4. understanding conventions associated with using げんこうようし、for example, the size of small characters, the position in the square and the placing of punctuation
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