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Content description VCVIC025

Vietnamese: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Translate and interpret texts from Vietnamese into English and vice versa, compare different versions of translations, explore differences and identify strategies to overcome challenges in translation
  1. explaining the terms used to describe common features of schooling in Vietnam, for example, terms related to the curriculum or to assessment and reporting, such as chương trình, sách giáo khoa, bài kiểm tra, học bạ, bằng cấp, and comparing these with similar terms used for Australian schooling
  2. translating simple school documents into Vietnamese, considering language choices and cultural expressions to suit a particular audience, such as Vietnamese parents
  3. translating and interpreting short texts, such as announcements, advertisements, articles, reports, or extracts from stories or films, considering audience and context, and reflecting on how cultural elements are encoded in common words and expressions, for example, use of family terms, titles, and terms of address such as anh, chị, cô, chú, tôi and em
  4. interpreting and translating a range of texts from English into Vietnamese and vice versa, using and evaluating translation resources such as web-based translation tools and print and digital dictionaries
  5. comparing and discussing various translations (including print and electronic translations, own and peers’ translation work) of common words, phrases, expressions and texts, explaining the reasons for possible differences and similarities, selecting the most appropriate version and negotiating any necessary adjustment
  6. identifying and applying translation strategies used in bilingual texts to manage the translation of difficult words and concepts or instances of non-equivalence, for example, expanding descriptions or explanations, providing examples to assist meaning, or connecting to context to identify the appropriate meaning if a word can have different meanings or interpretations, for example, cà phê đậm (‘strong coffee’) but người khỏe mạnh (‘a strong person’); thời tiết nóng nực (‘hot weather’), vấn đề gây tranh cãi (‘a hot issue’) and khu vực nguy hiểm (‘a hot zone’)
  7. examining and interpreting idiomatic expressions, for example, đẻ bọc điều, có chí thì nên, dạy con từ thuở còn thơ, including expressions that cannot be translated literally and culturally specific terms such as chữ hiếu, tôn sư trọng đạo, and discussing possible equivalent terms in English
ScOT catalogue terms
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