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Content description VCVIC026

Vietnamese: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Produce bilingual resources in multimodal and digital forms for the school and local community, such as travel brochures, comics, blogs or video clips, considering the role of culture when transferring meaning from one language to another
  1. creating tourist brochures or itineraries for young Australian travellers to Vietnam, supplying key words, phrases and information about cultural behaviours, for example, Bao nhiêu tiền? Xin cho biết phòng vệ sinh ở đâu. Làm ơn chở tôi đến nhà hàng/khách sạn/phi trường, xin lỗi, cám ơn, đừng ôm hôn khi chào
  2. creating a glossary that includes culture-specific terms or expressions in Vietnamese and explanations in English, for example, tết Nguyên đán, tết Trung thu, lễ Vu lan, rằm tháng Giêng, chúc mừng năm mới, trăm năm hạnh phúc
  3. producing a booklet of Vietnamese idioms and proverbs with equivalent expressions in English, for example, xa mặt cách lòng (‘Out of sight, out of mind’), có chí thì nên (‘Where there’s a will there’s a way’), Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã (‘Blood is thicker than water’)
  4. composing bilingual texts for specific audiences and purposes, for example, a Big Book or game for young Vietnamese learners, invitations to a class/social event or posters for a performance, a program for a cultural event, or a brochure about the school for a visiting group of exchange students, recognising that meanings need to be tailored to audience, purpose and cultural perspectives
ScOT catalogue terms
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