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Content description VCVIC109

Vietnamese: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Identify key words and specific information related to their personal world in simple spoken, written, digital and visual texts
  1. identifying familiar words or concepts related to familiar people, for example, Ðây là ba. Ðây là mẹ và chị, or everyday objects, for example, Đây là cái nhà. Đây là cái cổng. Đây là chiếc xe
  2. viewing and/or listening to familiar texts such as posters, songs and short films to locate key words, for example, bìa tranh minh họa, truyện tranh, từ điển bằng hình, trò chơi xếp hình, học vần tiếng Việt
  3. demonstrating comprehension of words and short sentences in familiar texts by pointing, labelling, matching, clicking and dragging, drawing and miming
  4. using contextual and visual cues to identify main points when participating in shared reading of print and digital texts
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