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Content description VCVIC112

Vietnamese: F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Create and perform simple imaginative texts such as chants, songs and stories, using familiar language and non-verbal forms of expression
  1. composing and performing rhymes, songs or stories, illustrating meaning through the use of non-verbal forms of expression such as clapping, gestures and facial expressions
  2. creating a narrative through a photo story or animation by sequencing a series of pictures with captions or by creating a storyboard with labels, using modelled language, for example, Ngày xửa ngày xưa, trong một khu rừng/ngôi làng… có một gia đình/em bé
  3. creating and presenting own Big Books or digital texts based on imagined scenarios in familiar contexts
  4. expressing an experience through a puppet play or dramatic performance
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