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Content description VCVIC124

Vietnamese: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Participate in collaborative tasks that involve planning and simple transactions
  1. working together in collaborative tasks and sharing decisions about content, vocabulary and design, for example, designing a poster for a special event or creating a shared online photo album with narration of a class event
  2. following procedures and instructions for shared activities, for example, making Mid-Autumn lanterns and paper cranes, or following simple recipes such as lemonade or jelly, using imperative verbs (lấy, cắt, đổ, rửa) and vocabulary for ingredients and quantities (nước quả, trái, bột, một lít, một kí-lô)
  3. planning, rehearsing and producing a performance such as a song or dance for school assembly, and interacting with guest speakers or classroom visitors during special occasions such as multicultural festivals or Harmony Day
  4. participating in short role-plays and games that involve taking turns, active listening, memory and information exchange
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