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Content description VCVIC178

Vietnamese: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Convey information, ideas and viewpoints from different perspectives, selecting appropriate modes of presentation to achieve specific purposes for particular audiences in relevant contexts
  1. producing a range of spoken, written, digital and multimodal texts (posters, emails, formal letters, blog posts, articles, speeches, PowerPoint presentations) for diverse audiences (children, peers, parents, employers), contexts (school, home, community, social group) and purposes (informing, reporting, explaining, promoting, persuading), to convey own ideas on topics such as balancing study and recreation, the benefits of recycling, or the impact of technology
  2. writing informative and persuasive texts aimed at a particular audience and context, for example, a brochure promoting a holiday destination (for teenagers), a poster for a doctor’s surgery encouraging healthy eating (among children), a speech to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles (among young people), a youth web page reviewing a new music or movie release, or an article warning people about environmental pollution or the dangers of cyber bullying
  3. creating texts pitched to specific age or interest groups, making choices regarding vocabulary, structure, visual and cultural elements, for example, fashion/health advice for a youth forum, school information for new students, suggestions for ways to bridge the generation gap for a family magazine, or a request for donations to help save an endangered animal
  4. justifying own views with quotes or text references, for example, Chúng ta không nên đánh giá con người qua bề ngoài bởi vì tục ngữ có câu ‘Đừng có trông mặt mà bắt hình dong’. Tôi nghĩ rằng nạn phá rừng đã gia tăng đến mức báo động vì thống kê cho thấy mỗi năm diện tích rừng trên thế giới giảm 20%
  5. exploring social and cultural themes through modes of presentation that combine elements such as photos, videos and music to enhance effect of text
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