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Content description VCVIU015

Vietnamese: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Recognise some of the common variations in Vietnamese language used in different settings and contexts, for example, at home, at school, at the market or in the bank
  1. identifying ways in which tone and body language vary in daily interactions according to setting and context, for example, the same sentence may be spoken in a different tone (friendly/unfriendly, respectful/impolite) and body language may change according to the setting (serious/interactive in the classroom, casual/friendly in the playground, relaxed at home/careful in the street)
  2. recognising and explaining variations in language use, such as tone, gestures, word choice and sentence structure, as they relate to different settings and contexts, for example, interactions between customer and salesperson, doctor and patient, tour guide and tourist
  3. identifying technical language used in specific contexts, for example, at the market (giá bao nhiêu, trả giá, mắc, rẻ, giảm giá, hàng tốt/xấu), or at the doctor’s surgery (bị cảm, ho, nhức đầu, chóng mặt)
  4. recognising differences in language use between class presentations and everyday conversations, such as Xin chào cô và các bạn versus Lan nè/Ê Lan, khỏe không?
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