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Content description VCVIU187

Vietnamese: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Understand the relationship between purpose, audience, context, linguistic features, and textual and cultural elements associated with different types of personal, reflective, informative and persuasive texts
  1. analysing how language choices help achieve particular purposes and effects, for example, descriptive language to promote a product, evaluative language to reflect on an experience or to review a literary work, persuasive language to influence audience, or humorous techniques to entertain
  2. recognising and explaining cultural aspects reflected in a range of texts, including multimodal and digital texts, such as school reports, weather reports, official announcements, television programs, or recipes, particularly in the use of idiomatic expressions or proverbs
  3. identifying appropriate salutations, depending on personal relationship or social ranking, in specific text types such as emails, speeches or interviews, for example, Kính thưa … /Thưa … , …thân mến/thương mến, kính chào/chào …
  4. understanding and transforming texts to suit different purposes (to persuade, to entertain), different audiences (children, adolescents, Vietnamese people, Australians) and different types of texts (an article, a report, speech)
  5. understanding the importance of choosing a text type appropriate to their audience and purpose, for example, a speech to persuade Year 8 students to choose Vietnamese as their elective in Year 9, or an article to express own opinions on the impact of technology on teenagers
  6. recognising and analysing similarities or differences that might be culturally significant across cultures, for example, similarities such as the use of the heart as a symbol of love or pigeons as a symbol of peace, and differences such as the use of the colour white to signify purity in Western cultures but bad luck in Eastern cultures
  7. recognising and discussing cultural concepts or values reflected in texts, for example, cultural icons used in commercial advertisements
  8. identifying language features and cultural references that contribute to the overall meaning or purpose of texts, for example, a rhetorical question such as Chẳng lẽ chúng ta chịu bó tay sao? to call for action, or truyền thống tôn sư trọng đạo to promote the value of education
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