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Content description VCZHC019

Chinese: Second Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Obtain and process information about significant people, places and events from spoken and visual sources, and convey this information using learnt phrases and key words
  1. identifying commonly used terms for daily activities such as 你几点睡觉? to contribute in an online discussion with sister-school friends
  2. describing people, places and things using actions and gestures, for example, to create a video clip to describe the school
  3. planning and presenting short reports about holidays, special events and places using photos, illustrations, captions, diagrams
  4. listening to short spoken texts containing some unfamiliar language, identifying key information, for example, name and phone number of speaker in a voicemail message, or the names, year level and age of Chinese children in a short interview
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