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Content description VCZHC036

Chinese: Second Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Locate key points in written informative texts, summarising the points to report to known audiences
  1. locating key information in texts such as timetables, calendars, brochures or advertisements, using clues such as organisation of content, for example, 星期一,星期二 etc. listed on the top row of a timetable
  2. reading familiar texts, such as shopping catalogues, understanding key phrases such as 八折, and working out the final price of an item
  3. recognising markers of time (for example, 第二天) in a sequence of events to monitor information flow and assist with reading for overall meaning
  4. creating a poster to convey information to Chinese peers (for example, about a local city or popular tourist site) with pictures, maps, data, words and sentences
  5. selecting from word lists to create informative texts such as signs, slogans and notices, using electronic tools such as a digital dictionary to extend own expression
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