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Content description VCZHC073

Chinese: Second Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Compare the experiences of young Australians with those of young people in Chinese-speaking communities, reflecting on how these diverse experiences affect individuals’ identity, attitudes and beliefs
  1. constructing texts and participating in interactions with young Chinese which involve sharing aspects of their own identities as young Australians, for example, 中国的年轻人喜欢什么运动?澳洲人喜欢游泳、打板球和打橄榄球
  2. comparing own experiences and opinions with those of Chinese youth encountered in diverse texts and contexts, for example, exploring how young people feel about school: What is universal? What is culturally specific? What is environmental? Why do we do things a particular way? 大部分澳大利亚的学生功课压力没有那么重;很多中国学生在食堂吃饭
  3. viewing texts related to the experiences of young Chinese speakers (for example, 偶像剧), and discussing aspects of their life, world or values conveyed, asking, for example: What assumptions or generalisations are made? How does this impact on our perception of Chinese youth? Does this reflect the reality of Chinese youth?
  4. exploring diversity within Chinese identity and becoming more aware of this when interacting with Chinese speakers, for example, understanding that calling Chinese speakers 中国人 does not reflect the diversity of Chinese speakers’ identities
  5. engaging in interaction with Chinese speakers and reflecting on how their own language choices are perceived by Chinese speakers, for example: Is my communication culturally appropriate? Should I adjust language and gesture to help convey meaning more appropriately and effectively?
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