Chinese: Second Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Locate factual information about life in other communities and about aspects of Australian life, including data from graphs and tables, and convey this information to known audiences
locating and identifying key information in written texts such as timetables, calendars, brochures and advertisements, recognising familiar features of texts and organisation of content, and the word/phrase boundaries in sentences such as 我们学校/有/二百八十七/个/学生/
identifying the categories used to organise graphs and tables by considering common themes across examples listed, for example, deducing that the heading 国籍 means ‘nationality’ by determining the meanings of 中国,澳大利亚 in a table column
reading familiar text types such as shopping brochures, understanding particular phrases such as 八折, and working out the final price, with the support of online dictionaries and word lists
recognising markers of time (for example, 第二天) in a sequence of events to monitor information flow and assist reading for overall meaning
presenting information in alternative formats to suit different purposes and the needs of the reader, for example, creating graphs or tables to categorise information when contrasting 澳大利亚和中国的地理