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Content description VCZHC121

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Reflect on aspects of their Chinese identity and personal relationships with others
  1. discussing the importance to their own identity of speaking Chinese to connect with older relatives, and the wider Chinese-speaking community, for example, 我会说中文,我可以用中文跟上海的爷爷打电话
  2. sharing information about their family background, such as country of origin, languages and dialects spoken, and current locations of extended family, for example, 我爸爸是从中国来的。他会说普通话和上海话
  3. sharing own likes and dislikes and discussing features that reflect their cultural identities, such as preferences relating to sport and leisure activities, food, and TV programs, for example, 我喜欢吃中国菜,也喜欢吃汉堡包
  4. discussing the role of Chinese language and culture in their own lives, such as participation in cultural events, food preferences, or overseas travel
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