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Content description VCZHC132

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Convey key points of information to familiar audiences
  1. giving a short presentation to convey information gathered from multiple sources, such as investigating 南京的天气 by interviewing the teacher and listening to a podcast of a weather forecast
  2. supporting presentations using pictures, charts and graphs appropriate to the task, such as using bar charts to show data on 学校学生语言背景统计表 / 班上同学使用交通工具统计表
  3. reporting information from texts to explain aspects of lifestyle or culture in different communities, for example, TV guide, brochures, advertisements or timetables containing text and images
  4. making posters to celebrate a special event such as 端午节, explaining the origins and stories of the festival with others
  5. outlining steps in a procedure, using sequential markers such as 第一,第二,第三, for example, sequencing pictures in the correct order to demonstrate how to make dumplings
  6. presenting a visual display with supporting text on a topic of personal interest, for example, 我的家,我的宠物,姥姥的家乡,过春节
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