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Content description VCZHC133

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Respond to simple fables and legends through discussion of characters and events
  1. engaging with entertainment designed for young children such as TV programs, songs, plays, and games in digital media, and evaluating such forms of entertainment, for example, 我喜欢这首歌,因为它的歌词很美
  2. discussing depiction and features of characters in various forms of entertainment, such as differences between characters and how these differences are demonstrated, for example, in the cartoon 《喜羊羊和灰太狼》
  3. reading aloud or reciting traditional texts such as poems and rhymes (for example 《咏鹅》 、《静 夜思》、《四和十》), paying attention to pronunciation, prosody and emotion and explaining key ideas in Chinese
  4. participating in shared reading and identifying how familiar words are used to express meanings in new contexts, for example, 盘古的眼睛变成太阳, 头发变成星星,血液变成江河湖海
  5. presenting stories to peers, paying attention to storytelling techniques such as 停顿; 语气语调; 抑扬顿挫
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