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Content description VCZHC148

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Plan and present key points of information to familiar audiences
  1. developing informed opinions to share with others, giving examples (for example, 澳大利亚人说很多语言,比如英语,汉语,法语等等) and comparing information, for example, 中国人口比澳大利亚的多)(我觉得我们应该帮爸爸妈妈做家务
  2. working in teams to prepare and present an oral presentation, supported by digital media, related to own school or community or on topics of interest, for example, endangered animals, popular singers in Asia
  3. preparing and creating a video clip to share with peers overseas introducing aspects of local culture, including interesting places, history, famous people, and lifestyle, for example, 墨尔本的电车
  4. producing a digital display containing text and images to present a personal perspective on life in Australian schools to share with peers overseas
  5. creating poster displays using graphics, photographs and illustrations to document and convey ideas related to topics of interest, for example, their country of origin, family tree or favourite sports team
  6. collaborating with others to prepare a report for a school or community newsletter about Chinese language learning experiences or activities at day school and community school
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