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Content description VCZHC151

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 5 and 6 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Identify and account for the potential loss of subtle meanings from character components and individual characters in compounds when translating into English
  1. reading Chinese texts such as advertisements and signs that include the translation of some words or phrases, and engaging in class discussion about the merits of translations and alternative ways of representing the meanings expressed in the texts
  2. reading children’s stories in bilingual form and reflecting on ideas expressed in Chinese and English which may not be readily translated and discussing possible reasons for this
  3. observing interactions between speakers of Chinese and attempting to describe the interaction in English, discussing personal interpretations of the meanings conveyed and the cultural messages implicit in the interaction, for example, watching an interaction between a teacher and students in China and contrasting with their own experience in Australia
  4. explaining culture-specific concepts such as humility (谦虚) to people from different cultural backgrounds, including examples of when and how 谦虚 should be shown and how it is understood by participants of the communication, for example, when accepting/rejecting appraisal
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