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Content description VCZHC164

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Plan and convey key points of information and opinions based on information drawn from a range of sources
  1. engaging with different representations of ideas, comparing perspectives and developing an informed position on issues relevant to their life, for example, 在中国有人说移民澳洲好,因为生活轻松; 也有人说移民澳洲不好,因为没有熟悉的家人朋友。我觉得… 因为…
  2. discussing perspectives and comparing experiences and opinions relating to issues such as 独生子女政策, noting how some people focus on positive effects on society while others focus on their own personal experiences of being a 独生子女
  3. collaborating to produce multimedia displays to share with readers overseas to provide a local insight into issues such as international students in Australia
  4. collating information from personal research and writing reports on issues relevant to young people across cultures, for example, pressure to follow fashions and trends, bullying in schools, and inspirational people
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