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Content description VCZHC165

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Express opinions about how popular imaginative texts, including poems and 故事, reveal important cultural values
  1. describing how emotions, attitudes or intentions of a performer, author or character are conveyed through language, and analysing how emotions (for example, happiness, sadness, homesickness) are expressed in popular songs or TV programs
  2. viewing popular TV programs designed for Chinese youth, sharing individual responses or reactions to forms of Chinese entertainment, and comparing features of performance across cultures
  3. understanding how music, imagery and stereotypical representations of people, places and practices are used in contemporary youth media to influence audience responses
  4. exploring regional and generational influences on popular culture of the Sinophone world (such as 港台流行歌曲; 港片), and identifying different concepts of ‘beauty’ in different eras, for example, 60年代流行…, 70年代流行…
  5. comparing features of performance in different media (such as radio, television and online videos), and discussing how entertainment is changing with technology
  6. producing creative texts in response to literary texts such as 《某某后传》, reflecting the literary styles and methods identified in such texts
  7. reading a range of imaginative texts from other cultures, keeping a reading journal (读书笔记) to record understanding and own responses, and participating in class discussions about texts such as 《小王子》 and 《安徒生童话选》
  8. discussing themes and meanings of traditional texts, including classical poems (for example,《静夜思》,《春晓》,《咏鹅》) and stories, fables and legends ( for example, 《孔融让梨》、《井底之蛙》、 《铁杵磨针》
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