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Content description VCZHC183

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Participate in reading Chinese literature in original and in translation, and explain assumptions or implied meanings which inform how ideas have been translated from Chinese into English
  1. identifying superfluous or language-specific information that impedes rather than supports understanding when moving between languages, for example, 雷锋其人其事,在中国几乎人人知道
  2. using suitable equivalents or providing new culturally appropriate examples to explain concepts or ideas specific to another language or culture, for example, explaining English terms ‘chilling’ or ‘hanging’ in Chinese; expressing 百年树人 as ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’
  3. noticing deliberate word choices (such as 人民、大众、居民、人们、老百姓) suited to a particular purpose or style
  4. identifying the use of sarcasm (for example, 哟, 今天这么早来学校, 太阳打西边出来了) and how it is transferred across languages
  5. experimenting with ‘word play’, for example, 谐音秃子打伞----无法无天(无发无天), and discussing how this might be transferred into English
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