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Content description VCZHC195

Chinese: Background Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Locate and organise key points of information from a range of familiar sources
  1. applying knowledge of the world and their own experience to assist understanding of the meaning of texts, such as by discussing topics studied in other learning areas and exploring related Chinese texts, for example, understanding 黄山归来不看岳 by connecting knowledge or experience of visiting 黄山
  2. making connections between images and charts and the content of texts, and identifying key words to locate information, for example, in the chapter headings of a book
  3. listing possible resources before undertaking a research project and giving reasons for why these resources might be useful
  4. listening for structural cues such as signposting, and considering images, music and voice to enhance understanding of key ideas conveyed, for example, identify changes in tone of voice and pacing to indicate potential danger or a sense of urgency
  5. experimenting with different note-taking strategies when listening, for example, noting key words in Pinyin and recording numbers using Arabic numerals
  6. listening to or viewing public information texts such as weather forecasts and announcements and identifying specific information and key words, for example, 点, 度,米, 公里,元/块
  7. viewing texts such as a cooking program and answering questions from classmates on key procedures and main ingredients, for example, 蚂蚁上树没有蚂蚁。树是粉丝,蚂蚁是猪肉
  8. obtaining the gist or specific information when listening to a flow of words by focusing on familiar, predictable items, and identifying aspects of voice, gesture or language choice that convey varying degrees of enthusiasm or dislike, for example, 我一点儿也不喜欢… compared to 我不喜欢…
  9. collating information and ideas to present to others using various tools and charts and with consideration of the relevance, organisation and sequencing of information, for example, considering: What is the best way to introduce the topic? What do they want the audience to remember? What is the main message being communicated?
  10. representing information to others by restating key phrases and explaining reasons for actions and feelings, for example, 她很高兴, 因为…
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