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Content description VCZHC197

Chinese: Background Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Interact with and express opinions on a range of imaginative texts
  1. viewing segments of texts such as popular music videos in Chinese from various sources of media, such as Pop Asia on SBS, and expressing personal opinions, for example, 我觉得…很有意思
  2. comparing stories and characters in Chinese and Australian popular media and identifying the themes and topics that interest young people from different cultural backgrounds, for example, 澳大利亚的年轻人也很喜欢看动作片
  3. reading short texts such as comics and cartoons, and identifying words, phrases and expressions the author has used to capture characters’ emotions and reactions, for example, euphemistic phrases such as 真的吗?真倒霉!哎呀!
  4. reading extracts from culturally significant Chinese children’s literature, discussing their personal responses to the characters and storyline, and relating the story to personal experience or expressing empathy for characters
  5. reading jokes or cartoons in Chinese, discussing how humour is conveyed through words and the presentation of ideas, and comparing with humour in English, discussing whether ‘entertainment’ means the same thing in different languages and cultures
  6. reading children’s literature, including fables and traditional stories, exploring values and morals such as the concept of 寓意 in 动画片,小人书, and comparing values and morals conveyed through texts across cultures, for example, 凿壁偷光,塞翁失马 (你能找到英语中类似的说法吗? 你觉得这个故事的寓意在澳大利亚有意义吗?
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