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Content description VCZHC198

Chinese: Background Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Adapt events and characters from popular Chinese narratives for particular audiences and to create specific effects
  1. creating songs or jingles to promote products, services or events in imaginative ways
  2. performing Chinese songs, experimenting with rhythm, voice, emotion and gesture to convey the songs’ intended sentiment and meaning and to enhance entertainment
  3. exploring personal response to people, places, events and experiences within texts (for example, creating a diary entry from the perspective of a character encountered in a traditional story), and reflecting on language choices made
  4. creating short narratives to capture the experiences, thoughts and emotions of characters in imagined contexts
  5. creating digital stories by producing labels for pictures, photographs and cartoons, and presenting them in combination with sound, voice and music to convey a sequence of events
  6. plotting a storyline in Chinese, considering: Who is the main character? How can I make this character interesting to readers? How can I sequence my story to grab the reader’s attention?
  7. creating narratives to describe imagined experiences in diverse contexts, based on sample topics and texts, for example, imagining a visit to China and recounting a visit to a homestay family or an adventure on the Great Wall, or describing experiences when a Chinese student comes to stay in Australia
  8. creating stories in various literary styles (for example, 记叙文、散文、诗歌), experimenting with descriptive language to capture the intensity of characters’ emotions and to create tension, for example, 我看到好多漂亮的花,有粉红的,雪白的,真是太美了
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