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Content description VCZHC201

Chinese: Background Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Reflect on personal responses and reactions during interactions in Chinese such as talking with a Chinese adult or interacting online with Chinese peers
  1. engaging with Chinese speakers through organised school activities, for example, communicating with students at a Chinese school via Skype or welcoming visitors to own school), recording moments when difficulty is experienced in communication, reflecting on the cause of the difficulty, and noticing how next interaction improves
  2. observing interactions between Chinese speakers and noticing the difference word choices and use of gesture among participants
  3. identifying language use in different contexts, such as a family eating out in a restaurant (for example, noticing the seating arrangement, the background environment and how dishes are ordered and presented) and discuss how this compares to one’s own experience
  4. comparing how language and gesture are used to communicate in English and how these features would be understood when interacting with Chinese people; identifying how their communication style may need to be altered when conveying ideas in Chinese
  5. improving language choices across cultures, such as when meeting people for the first time (for example, when being introduced to a parent’s friend);
  6. comparing how the residential address in Chinese and English reflects certain values in the different cultures
  7. recognising their own tendency to generalise or stereotype during interactions (for example, 地域歧), and considering questions to ask about the other person’s cultural background, being sensitive to the possibility of causing offence
  8. participating in cultural events and reflecting on how cultural practices change in a different context, for example, 我们家不过中秋节,因为大家都觉得不太重要。母亲节有时候我们全家回去爷爷奶奶家一起吃饭
  9. being aware of how own ideas may be perceived by others based on language choice, for example, 我妈妈不喜欢我说汉语中间夹英语,但是我和朋友经常这样说,她也经常这样说。有的时候姥姥听不懂,我就会想想全用汉语怎么说
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