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Content description VCZHC209

Chinese: Background Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Interact with peers and others in familiar and unfamiliar contexts to exchange alternative ideas and perspectives, and to express preferences and opinions
  1. stating opinions on school life, family life, familiar people, experiences and significant personal events (for example, 我最喜欢圣诞节), and indicating preferences with reasons such as 我想去看…电影, 因为听说这个电影很好看
  2. engaging in oral and digital discussions on topics of personal interest such as music, TV programs or sports, asking questions to seek ideas, request repetition and clarify meaning (for example, 你说你的生日是明天,是吗?) to enhance mutual understanding, for example, 我不太喜欢听流行音乐,我更喜欢摇滚乐,因为摇滚乐很有力
  3. using different ways of expressing apology, appreciation or gratitude, and comparing practices across contexts, considering which term to use in various situations and according to the relationship between participants, for example, 谢谢;辛苦你了; 麻烦你了; 真对不起; 非常感谢
  4. notifying teacher of work due in other subject areas, for example, 我有很多数学作业;我星期一有科学测验
  5. expressing opinions on lesson activities and learning tools, for example, 我觉得很好玩儿 ;我觉得很有用;我喜欢用网络词典
  6. requesting assistance or seeking advice on a feature of language (for example, mobile phone 。中文怎么说, 怎么写(面)这个字呢?), and exploring concepts related to topical and contemporary issues (such as ethnicity and identity, social justice, environment, education and future pathways, technology, and popular culture) through interaction with peers and other Chinese speakers, for example, 我听说现在中国的年轻人很喜欢看韩剧,是这样吗?你也喜欢看韩剧吗?
  7. inviting others to contribute to discussions and provide feedback on own ideas (for example, 你不觉得…吗? 难道…?), and asking questions, acknowledging strengths in others’ arguments and providing evidence to contradict, challenge or rebut alternative views
  8. substantiating their position with examples, quotes or statistical data and using 成语 or 谚语, for example, 养不教,父之过父母当然要对孩子的教育负责
  9. collaborating to reach agreement by asserting, restating, conceding or negotiating in an appropriate manner (for example, 就算是说…; 尽管如此…), and recapping the main ideas discussed, suggesting a suitable compromise or solution and explaining the reasons behind the final suggestion
  10. responding to inquiries in correspondence from overseas peers and via social media by describing the lifestyle of Australian young people, with pariticular attention to unique aspects of Australian culture, for example, 澳大利亚有…,人们生活…
  11. engaging with educational social media to document own experiences and achievements by posting a weekly journal or blog for others to read, for example, 本周XX俱乐部足球赛
  12. experimenting with ways of expressing ideas in more formal contexts, such as using objective rather than subjective language to recount events, for example, 袋鼠很多 compared with 我看到了很多袋鼠
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