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Content description VCZHC211

Chinese: Background Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Informing
Content description
Summarise and compare factual information about people, places and lifestyles drawn from a range of sources, including multimodal sources
  1. viewing reports on news and current affairs programs to develop an overview of events and discuss the responses of individuals and groups to issues and events such as a threat to public health or safety, environmental pollution, or rapid urbanisation
  2. listening to and viewing texts such as celebrity interviews, news reports and documentaries on tourist hot spots, and obtaining the gist by focusing on familiar, anticipated items in a flow of words, for example, names of people and places, time and date, attitude and opinions
  3. listening to and viewing interactions and noting the different opinions and ideas of different participants, focusing on key words and non-verbal cues to identify feelings
  4. using dictionaries and other resources to interpret key words, for example, identifying the likely meaning of 七夕 in the sentence 农历七月七日是七夕
  5. identifying important ideas and interpreting implied meanings in texts, recognising possible bias when judging the value of information
  6. using listening strategies appropriate to a range of purposes, including listening for specific information, listening for key ideas, listening for overall understanding, or listening in order to repeat information to others
  7. presenting opinions using strategies suited to the audience or reader’s expectations, such as 欲扬先抑 (to criticise before praising)
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