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Content description VCZHC217

Chinese: Background Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Reflect on how conventions of speech and particular Chinese cultural concepts can influence communication style when using both English and Chinese
  1. identifying diverse ways their Chinese identity is played out in local communities (for example, through membership of community organisations and interest groups) and relating experiences in which their Chinese identity is central to their self-expression
  2. exploring the ways their Chinese identity influences the different roles they play in life (for example, as a student at secondary school and in Chinese school, and as a son or daughter, an older or younger sibling, a friend, or a member of a sports team) and reflecting on times when linguistic and cultural aspects of their identity are questioned and challenged
  3. reflecting on own cultural values and evaluating how these intersect with mainstream values when interacting in both Chinese and Australian contexts
  4. recognising the language choices they make that influence how their identities as individuals and as Chinese-speaking Australians are perceived by others, for example, feeling more Chinese with Chinese people, and less Chinese when on their own or with people from a different cultural background
  5. varying their language use when engaging with participants from different cultural backgrounds, for example, opening a speech in Chinese with 中国有一句俗语… when in English they would open a speech with some humour
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