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Content description VCZHC244

Chinese: First Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Influence and engage others, debating ideas and opinions, selecting language, tone, culturally expected stylised gestures, pitch and pace for different audiences
  1. applying strategies to engage in conversations with people of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, for example, using alternative terms to 吹牛、聊天 and initiating topics of mutual interest
  2. monitoring the effectiveness of own communication skills when sharing ideas and interests with others, for example, when changing topics and taking turns in a conversation (听说…,刚才我们说什么来着?)
  3. using emphatic and assertive language to defend a position, point out errors in others’ assumptions or strengthen own argument when negotiating with others, for example, 我想这种观点是站不住脚的/这种说法是没有根据的,是无稽之谈
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