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Content description VCZHC251

Chinese: First Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Interpret culture-specific concepts
  1. comparing idioms and colloquialisms across languages and identifying the challenges in mediating the cultural values embedded in such sayings, for example, 胸有成竹 versus ‘have a well-thought-out plan’; 山穷水尽 versus ‘at the end of one’s rope’; 入乡随俗 versus ‘when in Rome’; 绕圈子 versus ‘beating about the bush’
  2. mediating Chinese jokes or l to English speakers and vice versa
  3. reflecting on the beliefs, generalisations and stereotypes held by other Australians about Chinese cultural practices or values, for example,中国人只工作不享受/ 他们都很聪明/很难和中国人一起工作/中国菜都很好吃
  4. introducing people, places, events and ideas of cultural and historical significance to Chinese people, for example, explaining to Australian audiences the historical and contemporary significance of 孔子 (Confucius) and his idea of (humanity)
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