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Content description VCZHC253

Chinese: First Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Reflect on the language choices they make when expressing their points of view to others and connect these choices to their identities in Chinese and Australian communities
  1. discussing available choices in how they present their own identity to others and identifying times when they choose to express one aspect of their identity over another
  2. reflecting on how their language choices, including the use of English, Chinese, a dialect or accent, are indications of their sense of identity within a particular context
  3. considering the differences in their own sense of identity in Australia and when they ‘return home’ (回国) in terms of changes in social contexts and in their relationships with other participants in interactions
  4. describing examples of when changes in identity are more evident, such as when they are compared to friends ‘back home’
  5. identifying meanings implied in facial expressions, gestures, interjections and exclamations, for example, 哎 can be used to express surprise or dissatisfaction
  6. reflecting on how one’s own world view is conveyed through language choices, for example, ‘naming’ China 华夏、九州、神州大地、中原 which reflects their understanding of their history, geography, ethnicity and place in the world
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