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Content description VCZHU123

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Foundation to Level 2 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Recognise that characters are the written representation of spoken Chinese and the morphological nature of Chinese words
  1. discussing the range of strokes and the construction of characters, and applying this understanding to differentiate between similar character forms, such as (sun) and (eye)
  2. copying characters with attention to the location, direction and order of strokes
  3. learning the sound and meaning of commonly seen basic characters (独体字) and components (部件), such as (tree) and (person), and making connections between basic characters and their bound forms (非成字), such as and
  4. identifying components and their various forms in different locations within characters, for example, 人 、 从 、 合; 心 、 情 、 思
  5. learning that Chinese words are made up of two or more characters, with each character contributing meaning to the word, for example, 大人 (literally ‘big person’) means ‘adult’
  6. recognising key morphemes in word groups, for example, 白天、白雪、小白兔
  7. identifying meanings of each syllable such as in xuéshēng, xuéxiào of Chinese words encountered
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