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Content description VCZHU144

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Understanding / Role of language and culture
Content description
Explore how the Chinese language represents cultural meanings in specific ways
  1. identifying culturally specific terms and phrases, for example, ‘mate’ in Australian English and 吃了吗 in Chinese, and sharing insights into why particular cultures value certain colloquial language
  2. associating the literal and cultural meanings of words and expressions such as 红红火火
  3. discussing the contextual and cultural meanings of words that cannot be directly translated into another language, for example, translating 手足 as ‘brothers’
  4. reading Chinese idioms (成语故事; for example, 《指鹿为马》、《狐假虎威》、《买椟还珠》、《拔苗助长》), and discussing their meanings; exploring the relevance and significance of these idioms to contemporary life and how these phrases are used in daily communication, such as 生日快乐 for birthdays, 大吉大利 for New Year and 团团圆圆 for Mid-Autumn Festival
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